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Secrets top-level element

Secrets are a flavor of Configs focusing on sensitive data, with specific constraint for this usage.

Services can only access secrets when explicitly granted by a secrets attribute within the services top-level element.

The top-level secrets declaration defines or references sensitive data that is granted to the services in your Compose application. The source of the secret is either file or environment.

Example 1

server-certificate secret is created as <project_name>_server-certificate when the application is deployed, by registering content of the server.cert as a platform secret.

    file: ./server.cert

Example 2

token secret is created as <project_name>_token when the application is deployed, by registering the content of the OAUTH_TOKEN environment variable as a platform secret.

    environment: "OAUTH_TOKEN"

Alternatively, server-certificate can be declared as external. Compose looks up the server-certificate secret to expose to relevant services.

    external: true

Example 3

External secrets lookup can also use a distinct key by specifying a name.

The following example modifies the previous example to look up a secret using the name CERTIFICATE_KEY. The actual lookup key is set at deployment time by the interpolation of variables, but exposed to containers as hard-coded ID server-certificate.

    external: true
    name: "${CERTIFICATE_KEY}"

If external is set to true, all other attributes apart from name are irrelevant. If Compose detects any other attribute, it rejects the Compose file as invalid.

Your Compose file needs to explicitly grant access to the secrets to relevant services in your application.